With a global pandemic being declared for COVID-19 it is now of utmost importance to assess all the unfolding facts honestly and dispassionately and seek a better understanding of its truest cause.
As we have stressed in our recent writings (many of which have gone unheeded) the facts point clearly and decisively to a first-cause that is external to terrestrial biology.
The evidence from epidemiology as well as from genetic sequencing points to a cloud of dust of cosmic origin containing a pure culture of the virus arriving in large quantity first over China, and then being dispersed through stratospheric transport processes to be deposited in a higgledy-piggledy manner on a global scale. This fall-out of viruses causing the present COVID-19 crisis would of course be a small perturbation of the billion viruses per square metre per day that have been found to be falling through the atmosphere, mostly recycled from Earth sources.
The resistance to accepting the plain facts about the new pandemic (particularly the manifest weakness of person-to-person transmission) is connected with a long standing resistance to accept facts relating to our own ultimate cosmic ancestry and origins (and the inevitability of panspermia) which we have discussed in our recent papers (cite our 2 papers).
We urge you to use every means at hand – personal contacts, local news media, social media etc – to get this message across. The importance of getting this message accepted and taking appropriate measures could go a long way to alleviate the sociological and economic disaster that we now face.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProfessorChandraWickramasinghe/
Former Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge and former Professor and Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Astronomy at Cardiff University, UK Honorary Professor, University of Buckingham, UKDirector, Ruhuna Centre for Astrobiology, and Honorary Professor, Ruhuna University, Sri LankaHonorary Professor, Kotelawala Defence University, Sri LankaAdjunct Professor, National Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka
Source material to be made public:
Wickramasinghe, N.C., Steele, E.J., Gorczynski, R.M., Temple, R., Tokoro, G., Klyce, B., Wallis, D.H., & Qu, J. (2020). Comments on the origin and spread of the 2019 Coronavirus Virol Curr Res 4, 1, 2020 In Press (21 Feb 2020) DOI: 10.37421/Virol Curr Res.2020.4.435
PDF copy at https://www.academia.edu/42041228/Comments_on_the_Origin_and_Spread_of_the_2019_Coronavirus
Origin of New Emergent Coronavirus and Candida Fungal Disease– Terrestrial or Cosmic?- posted 17.2.20-Chapter 6 for “Cosmic Genetic Evolution”
Authors: Edward J. Steele, Jiangwen Qu, N. Chandra Wickramasinghe, Reginald M. Gorczynski, Gensuke Tokoro, Robert Temple, Robyn A. Lindley.
Category: Physics of Biology
Article submitted to The Australian 6.2.20, updated 9.2.20
The Coronavirus May Have Come From Space
Authors: N. Chandra Wickramasinghe, Edward J Steelehttps://vixra.org/abs/2002.0118
Category: Physics of Biology